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Genere: pop/alt label: serein studios reviewed: 4/10/24
"Solace" marks Sweetener's 12th studio album, debuting on March 22nd, 2024, courtesy of Studio Serein. This pop-alt record boasts collaborations with Amelie McRae and Mia Laurent, with songwriting contributions from Hayley Rodrigo, Elle Serein, Kira Jackson, and Sweetener herself. Despite the diverse writing team, the album seems to miss a certain spark in its production, failing to fully captivate listeners. Many choruses drag on, making them challenging to engage with. Nonetheless, standout tracks like "Eloquent," "Streetlights," and "Wish I Could See Clearly" shine through, enhancing the overall experience of "Solace." However, the featured artists sometimes overshadow Sweetener herself, leaving her feeling like a secondary presence on her own album.
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